Monday, November 24, 2014

fert report.

I missed the fert report call this morning. My phone was on silent and we were running around like crazy people because we're down to one car temporarily. This means having to leave earlier AND we had to drop something off at the post office.

Anyway, we got Mr. Hope off to work and when I was switching over the car so I could drive it, I plugged my phone in. That's when I saw the missed call. I was like, "Oh, right, I forgot about this part." It was kind of good that the morning was so hectic. I wasn't obsessing in the least.

So I called Posh Clinic back (on speaker phone). The one egg fertilized normally with ICSI. I wasn't surprised. This was what I'd predicted all along.

Now comes the unexpected part. With my two previous IVFs, I did Day 2 transfers. This time, we're going to see if we can grow the embryo out to blast. 

I have to be honest: I don't expect the embryo to make it. Since I have DOR, I figure my infertility must be the result of low egg quality. If the little bugger DOES make it to blast, I will be pleasantly shocked. Even so, when I get the call that it's arrested, I know I'm going to cry. This really is our last shot at a bio baby. Saying goodbye to that possibility will be hard, even though I'm expecting it. (Does that make sense?)

The nurse also asked me to confirm that I wanted all four donor embryos thawed. This was my third or fourth time confirming this info, but whatever. She told me I'd get an update about them tomorrow, when I get the update about our embryo. 

I thought I would at least get a thaw update today. Since I didn't hear back from anyone I'm going to assume that the thaw was fairly uneventful. I mean, if all four donor embryos died in thaw, they would've called me today, right?

I've been pretty good about NOT thinking about the embryos (mine and the donors'). I went to work. I had to come home midday because I left my Medrol at the house. I went back to work. After work, I met the BFF at her gym to walk on the treadmill, You know, an average sort of day.

Tonight I'll start the PIO, which I only have to take every other day. I don't hate the shots as much as some of the people in my various support groups, but I'll still take the messiness of the pessaries over long-ass needles any day.