Tuesday, March 31, 2015

and the fourth beta is...


(I know. My jaw almost hit the ground.)

For those of you who like numbers, that's a doubling time of 49.64 hours. Well within normal ranges.

Another milestone achieved.

I didn't find this out until almost 3 p.m., right before I had a conference call. I had back-to-back calls pretty much from the time I got back from the u/s appointment up until 5:30 (no joke), so that's why it's taken me so long to update.

As for the ultrasound, it revealed one gestational sac with a yolk sac, everything measuring perfectly. The tech said it was slightly early to see a fetal pole and that we should see the heartbeat next week. We go back on Monday.

We didn't get to see Dr. Smiles, who was getting ready to go away on vacation. Instead, we saw his PA. She didn't bat an eyelash when I mentioned the brown spotting, just put me on restrictions: no exercise, no sex, no overexertion of any kind until I have four consecutive days of no spotting. She said it's perfectly normal (which I knew, but logic and emotion don't always hang out together now do they?). If I see red, she said, she wants to hear about it, but otherwise, don't give it a second thought.

So I'm pregnant. I AM PREGNANT. Like, REALLY, TRULY pregnant. I don't even feel the knee-jerk reaction to add "for now," which was pretty much the ONLY thing I said last time around, after that bad second beta.

It's crazy that there's only one little one in there. According to Beta Base we're now in the sky-high zone for a singleton but still in the median for twins. Maybe I'm just growing a little overachiever in there. That would so be my kid.

I think once we see the heartbeat, I will feel even better. This time, when they tell me that seeing the heartbeat means a less than 5% chance of miscarriage, I might even believe it.


  1. That is FANTASTIC news! So happy that things are working out better this time around. Breathe and ENJOY being pregnant :)

    1. Thank you! I am definitely feeling relieved. I think once I see the heartbeat I may even be able to enjoy this a little!

  2. This is so wonderful to read!! Just lots of happiness for you, and lots of good thoughts for a beautiful heartbeat next week!
    And I like how you put that...logic and emotion never do hang out lol so very true!!

    1. Thank you so much, Charlotte! And a belated congrats to you, too!

  3. Woah! So awesome!!! Just keep repeating that you ARE pregnant right now. So happy for you!

    1. Thank you! I'm starting to get excited but am trying to keep myself from getting TOO excited, if you know what I mean.

  4. Yay!! Such great news to wake up to :). Congrats!!

    1. I always forget you're on the other side of the world! (And thank you!)

  5. YOU ARE SO PREGNANT!!!! Well done over-achiever embie! Add no housework of any kind to your restrictions, sit back, put your feet up, and enjoy being pregnant!!

    1. I love that - I am SO pregnant! I wish I could avoid all housework, but you know, Mr. Hope needs a helping hand or two. I am taking it easy, though. :)

  6. lovely numbers :) Yay for seeing the yolk sac too. Congrats :D

  7. That is GREAT! A very strong number is always a relief! With a number that high you should start to feel very pregnant by your next u/s. Yay!

    1. I'm still waiting for morning sickness. And I know it's coming, because when I had my ovary removed my hormones went nutso and I was nauseated and dry heaving for a couple of weeks. BRING IT ON, BODY. I think I'll cry happy tears if I actually puke!
