Tuesday, March 31, 2015

running the numbers.

This morning I go back to Posh Clinic for our first ultrasound and more blood work. Because I am a crazy person, I spent some time plugging numbers into a doubling calculator so that I could know what I'm looking for today: a number between 7,867 (doubling time: 72 hours) and 17,665 (doubling time: 48 hours).

As for the u/s itself, I know I should see the yolk sac and fetal pole, as I will be 5w5d, but it's unlikely that we'll see a heartbeat, as you usually can't until at least 5w6d.

Right now I'm just hoping I see SOMETHING. Yesterday I had cramping like the kind I get at the start of my period. Front cramps, not lower back ones, which is different from anything that happened last cycle. And my smidgeon of brown-tinged mucus became more of a smudge - not in my undies, only when I wiped, and always brown, but still. It reminded me of CD1, right before I started to get full flow. And it was totally freaking me out (still is, to be honest).

I have so much anxiety about this appointment. Of course I do. The day of my first u/s the last time around was the day that I got my first bad beta, the one with a doubling time of 110 hours. The one that made me cry for hours. The first hint that I would become a member of the miscarriage club.

Mr. Hope is going with me. He is a ball of nerves, too. All I can hope is that we are wasting energy on this anxiety stuff. That the ultrasound reveals at least one healthy little jellybean, with all of the genetic material she needs to help her become our take-home baby.

Guess we'll find out soon enough.


  1. Lots of prayers for you this morning! I was in your same boat just a couple weeks ago, and it was some of the most stressful moments of my life!

    1. I had no idea! You never even said! Fill me in?

    2. It feels weird to comment about it! I am 7 weeks 1 day. I have had 2 early losses before, so I get betas done a week apart. New front office staff at my docs meant I never actually got results (the previous lady would tell you your numbers over the phone) just kept getting blocked and told we only call if there is a problem. No one could actually tell me if they even had gotten the results back at all or if my doc had seen them. So much confusion and stress. My first u/s at work ( I work in radiology so I get the ultrasound girls to scan me) the tech couldn't find the yolk sac AT ALL and was all blighted ovum blah, blah...and I was a freaking nut case. Everything turned out find at my appointment a couple days later but GAH!

  2. Good luck! My 5+5 u/s showed gestational sacks and yolk sacs, one fetal pole, no heartbeats. I was freaked out that there was only one fetal pole, but I shouldn't have been :)

    1. Mr. Hope asked about the fetal pole. She said that would be next week. I thought we would've seen that but I guess not? Hope this isn't any cause for concern.

  3. Best of luck today. I know how nerve wracking the first u/s is. Hell, the rest of them are too, until you can feel the kicks on a regular basis. You are right, it's a little early for the HB but you never know. Technology is amazing these days. Please update as soon as you can. :-) We are on pins and needles, too.

    1. Thank you! We have a yolk sac! Hopefully we'll see the heartbeat on Monday when we go back. Come on, Jellybean! We're all pulling for you!

  4. Best of luck! And I hope the spotting and cramping settle down soon- there is enough anxiety in the first tri without them!

    1. It's already started to settle down, but I spent most of the day sitting on my bum and drinking water. Yesterday, right before the spotting got bad, I took the dog for a long walk. I'm now on exercise restriction. Thanks, cervix! Now my fat ass can get even fatter. :/
