Wednesday, March 18, 2015

eff you, FRER!

This morning's test was definitely lighter than yesterday's. Like, by a lot.

I told Mr. Hope that it was lighter and said, "Looks like it's a chemical." Then we hugged in the kitchen and I said, "I can't believe we have to start over again." Starting over means working with the UnproRepro to find new embies. Will we have to tweak the protocol? Should we? Why is my progesterone so low?


Something niggled at my brain, though. What if it had been a bad box? What if the issue wasn't what was growing inside of me, but the test itself?

Yes, FRER tests are expensive. My sanity is worth more. I broke into box number three and dipped. Within two minutes, it was already darker than yesterday's test. Here, take a look:

This is the three of them together. The top is from yesterday's box. The bottom is from the new box (my third box of FRER, if you're keeping track of those things). 

And, just for shits and giggles, here are the two test from today. It's worth noting that the bottom one is way wetter than the top one, and yet still significantly darker.

I'm totally going to email the company and see if I can get a free box of tests out of this. I mean, with all the money I've given them over the years, the least they can do is replace a clunker batch, right?

UPDATE, 3/26: I got an email back from Church & Dwight, the company that produces FRERs. They're refunding me for the bad box I got! Thumbs up to them for taking a loyal customer's complaint seriously.


  1. Wow! The bottom test looks WAY better and I'd be curious to see what it looks like when dry. I've ran across a few awful boxes like that and they really do cause unnecessary panic and stress! And I bet a 6/8 test pic would look amazing, too!! Yay! Congrats!!

    1. Thanks! I wish you could post pics in comments like you can on FB. It did dry a little darker and today's (9dp5dt) is REALLY nice and dark!

  2. What a roller coaster!!!! but tests look good!

    1. I know, right? I can't believe I was fooled by a FRER!

  3. Glad you dipped into that 3rd box! I had a few internet cheapies do that but you just expect more from frers! Great lines and getting darker!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!

    1. This is what I'm saying. If you get a dud Wondfo, it's like, yeah, okay, you're like 6 cents a strip. But with my FRER I expect more!

  4. I'm interested to see what First Response has to say. And horray for good news and progress!!!

    1. I'm guessing they're going to tell me that it showed a positive and that's all the test has to do. But we'll see.

  5. See... Your FRER's were sucky too! I'm so over them! LOL

    1. Seriously! I emailed the company and asked for reimbursement for that one box. No response thus far. :(
